Ethtool command to show all interfaces example

Ethtool command to show all interfaces example. ethtool -p eth0 15 Blink ethernet device 0 for 15 seconds Look there! Blinking lights at the back of your ethernet adaptor. Oct 17, 2020 · October 17, 2020. -a --show-pause. 09. g. /sbin/ethtool will show if cable is connected. Monitoring Interfaces and Transceivers with ethtool. feature-tx "". wlp2s0 Scan completed : Cell 01 - Address: C8:3A:35:58:B2:60. It’s the name of your interface card. Your pre-up statement would presumably need to be something like: Dec 2, 2021 · Ethtool Show Speed. Nov 30, 2010 · iperf -c 192. As our main focus is the network speed, we’ll filter the ethtool output for the speed by using the grep command, for example: $ sudo ethtool eth0 | grep Speed Speed: 100Mb/s. 6. It will record link speed and status of a NIC when it changes. 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full . ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr. To Change Ethernet Adapter Settings. for e. To quickly identify all available Ethernet interfaces, you can use the ip command as shown below. iface eth0 inet static. Example 5: How to Show Radio Switches Status. Specify a particular interface by using ip addr show enp0s3, as seen below: Jul 30, 2015 · 25. Feb 4, 2020 · To do this, start by getting all the snapshots for all objects in your Rubrik CDM and then filter the snapshots from a desired location. From expert mode try ethtool -m (interfacename). 6400 . Jul 24, 2023 · Using the “ ifconfig ” command with the “ netmask ” argument and interface name as ( eth0) allows you to define a netmask to a given interface. Apr 25, 2018 · Command. Aug 1, 2021 · For RHEL/CentOS 6/7 systems, use the yum command to install ethtool. Tag. 18 ethtool does not have the -m option available, but try mii-diag -g (interfacename). When data is. To display more information about a specific interface, use the following command: #ethtool <interface Retrieves and prints firmware dump for the specified network device. To get all the snapshots, simply run the command: rbkcli snapshots all. Display all supported features for an interface: # ethtool --show-features eth0. It is administratively UP, the LOWER_UP indicates the physical layer is working (i. Complete Story. -k --show-features --show-offload. sets or resets the Finally, this port is working normally: 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000. Dec 11, 2020 · If you have multiple ethernet adapters connected to your system, you can use the following command to identify the physical port of a particular ethernet card. 15. However, to check, you can use one or both of Jan 2, 2023 · Compare nm-settings with ifcfg-* directives (IPv6) Brief list of nmcli commands syntax. Changes the pause parameters of the specified ethernet device. There are a couple of ways to get the bytes read by the eth0 interface: Jan 31, 2022 · The command and related subcommands are very flexible, allowing administrators to display and change IP address settings. May 28, 2020 · Ethtool was updated and picked up a bunch of new command line switches in Gaia kernel 3. Use. Show Interfaces. BOOTPROTO =protocol. You can use the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) to debug network configuration problems in the topology. Mar 18, 2024 · Obtaining Network Interface Device Properties. /sbin/ethtool -G $1 rx 4096 tx 4096. But these options don't persist across reboot May 4, 2019 · Watch interface(s) and report changes in link status. The The ethtool command enables you to query or control the network driver and hardware settings. 20. Read developer tutorials and download Red Hat software for cloud application development. Code: auto eth0. Command Reference. This example shows how to display MAC address table information for a specific MAC address: Switch# show mac-address-table address 0050. if [ -n "$1" ]; then. The prefix does not conflict with any other well-known network interface prefix, such as eth, eno, ens, and em . In the below example we use show interfaces to quickly see layer 1 A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Jun 30, 2012 · For USB based devices you can see the driver name by using the lsusb command: And/or you use lshw which enumerates the devices on all buses including USB, PCI, etc so you can see which driver it uses: where enp2s0 is the device name. To remove the setting of an offload feature that you previously enabled or disabled, set the feature’s parameter to a null value. cmd: edata. The output returns a list of open non-listening sockets with established connections. I found watch is a great tool to update the screen using all these tools. Jul 29, 2013 · in “redhat” we enter “ifconfig” then it will show only active “interfaces”. The “ ethtool –s ” command could define the values for “ speed ”, “ duplex ”, and “ autoneg ”. For Debian based systems, use the apt command or apt-get command to install ethtool. This command explicitly enables RX offload and disables TX offload. Here is a video that shows how it works (at 2:50 shows blink): Learn about our open source products, services, and company. However, in some cases an interface may still use the kernel eth# style of naming. Therefore, let’s store the output into a can display the MAC address table in formation of a specific MAC addre ss or a specific interface in the switch using the show mac-address-table address and show mac-address-table interface commands. Display the driver information for an interface: # ethtool --driver eth0. Use man ethtool to discover more settings. The primary communication channel when a device is connected to network. Description: Use this command to reboot or shutdown ESXi. Description. Queries the specified network device for the state of protocol offload and other features. ifr_name)-1); ifr. List all the available connections. Contact Red Hat Support and report the problem. For example, select Ethernet for a wired connection. Post Views: 2,249. Em0, enp0, or enp0s are examples of letters that are used in this manner. Get training, subscriptions, certifications, and more for partners to build, sell, and support customer solutions. However most of these tools display traffic as bytes or packets per second. Control speed, duplex, auto-negotiation and flow control for Ethernet devices. Let us see how to see link device stats using the ip command. For example, to remove the configuration for TX offload, enter: # nmcli con modify enp1s0 ethtool. For example, to enable the RX offload feature and disable TX offload in the enp1s0 connection profile, enter: Copy. Optimize Your Mar 18, 2024 · This tool provides detailed information about the Ethernet interfaces installed on a system, including their speed, duplex settings, link status, and the driver used by the interface. 255. Sep 24, 2019 · The ethtool -s command can be used to change the current settings by defining the values for speed, duplex, and autoneg in the following format: sudo ethtool -s [device_name] autoneg [on/off] speed [10/100/1000] duplex [half/full] For example, to set the speed at 1000Mb/s, the duplex mode to full and the auto-negotiation to on the command would The ethtool command enables you to query or control the network driver and hardware settings. Boot the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation media. Linux Instructor. ethtool is used to query and control network device driver and hardware settings, particularly for wired Eth†. It takes the device name (like swp1) as an argument. Description: This command shows a lot of useful outputs and will show different information depending on the device, model etc. Example The following is an example of how the interface identified as eth0 could be permanently configured with a port speed of 1000Mb/s running in full duplex mode. 3. Nov 16, 2022 · The ifconfig command allows users to associate additional IP addresses with an interface using an IP alias. 05. Share. -A --pause. In the above example, we added only one ethernet device (eth0) to the bridge. Debugging an incorrect VLAN configuration using LLDP information. 0 license Activity. both are best way. This command displays detailed layer 1 information about interfaces on a device, including tracking errors. When the device name is the only argument to ethtool, it prints the current settings of the network device. # sudo ethtool eth0 Checking Network Interface details with ethtool ip command network interface stats. $ sudo apt-get install ethtool. By default, it prints out the dump flag, version and length of the dump data. 87? I noticed we that the ethtool command is not working on the interfaces except DMZ, eth0 and eth2 but i also dont know on what interfaces do eth0 and eth2 is used or integrated. I can think of three alternatives to ethtool to determine network link status: ifconfig eth0. These names can appear as eno1 or enp0s25. Add Multiple Interfaces to Existing Bridge. #6: esxcli system maintenanceMode set –enable true. Procedure. Mar 18, 2024 · 3. ifr_data = (char *) &edata; The 2 methods I've seen used predominately are to use ethtool or to manually parse the contents of /sys. #!/bin/bash. 3. The basic ss command usage is without any parameters: ss. 7. ethtool -p ethX [N] *where [N] is Number of seconds to blink. The ip link command can also show the status of network devices. Check if NetworkManager is running. [root@tecmint ~]# ifconfig eth0 netmask 255. there is a carrier), and the second UP confirms (in effect) the IP layer is up. The first few lines show which version of IOS software the device is running. Get hostname using uname -n. pci_address = some_function (eth0) where pci_address is sys:bus:slot:function. Select the connection type of the interface. Feb 26, 2013 · Ethtool also works with vmware ESXi with -p parameter: Example: ethtool -p vmnic0 15 vmnic0 will blink for 15 seconds. Get extended device statistics. Here is an example program: #include <unistd. The syntax is: # ip -s link. 0 forks Report repository Aug 25, 2013 · You can also use ethtool: ethtool -S eth0 The benefit to ethtool, is you can see each rx / tx queue and how they are balanced. cmd = ETHTOOL_GLINK; The name of the interface and the address of the edata structure both need to be placed into the ifreq structure: strncpy(ifr. Using ethtool <interface captured in above command> | grep -i speed. Outputs: Dec 11, 2020 · Once it is installed, use the following command to check the installed version. Optional: Set a connection name for the port. Queries the specified ethernet device for pause parameter information. Set the link speed, duplex mode, and parameter auto-negotiation for a given interface: # ethtool -s eth0 speed 10|100|1000 duplex half|full autoneg on|off. -F media,--force=media May 23, 2023 · Ethtool is a standard Linux utility for controlling network drivers and hardware, particularly for wired Ethernet devices. 2. Sep 28, 2020 · Hi CheckMates, I would like to ask how can i check the interface configurations, status, link speeds on CP770 with R77. We can run the ethtool command with the -i option to list all the Ethernet interfaces on the system while replacing eth0 with the name of the interface we want to Feb 24, 2017 · As you can see, many columns and details are not very easy to read when you cat the file so I would suggest to use ifconfig command which reads that file and formats output nicely. -T --show-time-stamping. # brctl addif dev eth0 eth1. In the following example, we are adding both eth0 and eth1 to the bridge “dev”. These one-liners will print the exact interface name show-offload. use ethtool command with interface name. nmcli command examples (cheatsheet) 1. How can these two elements be related to each other? ethernet. tx-checksumming: on. This command shows the current IP address and subnet mask for all interfaces on the system. For advanced usage, expand the netstat command with options: netstat [options] Or list the options one by one: netstat [option 1] [option 2] [option 3] The netstat options enable filtering of network information. Copied! # nmcli con modify enp1s0 ethtool. GPL-3. 13-4 bus-info: tun supports-statistics: no supports-test: no supports-eeprom-access: no supports-register Sep 6, 2021 · Few ways to check Network Interface details in Linux such as interface name, associated IP address, MAC address and interface speed etc. that will show you the unconfigured/down network interfaces as well as configured and active ones, as read from /proc Retrieves and prints firmware dump for the specified network device. Modifying the Ethernet interface settings using ethtool command as shown: Dec 31, 2003 · The command that I needed was ETHTOOL_GLINK, documented as “get link status”, which I stored in edata. It can be used to: Get identification and diagnostic information. log has limited logging of kernel events. Let’s check for the tun0 interface we created earlier: $ sudo ethtool -i tun0 driver: e1000e version: 3. You might have connected to eth3 instead of eth0. $ sudo yum install -y ethtool. When data is indicated, then ethtool fetches the dump data and directs it to a file. 1. # ethtool -k eth3 Offload parameters for eth3: Cannot get device udp large send offload settings: Operation not supported. Jan 10, 2013 · To obtain the duplex and speed of the interface, you need to use the ioctl (fd, SIOCETHTOOL, struct ifreq *) with the ifr_data pointing to a struct ethtool_cmd having cmd = ETHTOOL_GSET. Control speed, duplex, autonegotiation and flow control for Ethernet devices. [Expert@Gateway-ID-MAYAPA]# ethtool -g WAN. 10 for the servers IP address. It’s available by default on most Linux distros. ’ You will be able to see your system’s interface using this command. -W --set-dump. The ethtool command enables you to query or control the network driver and hardware settings and takes the device name, such as swp1, as an argument. It is useful for quickly checking the status of the device. 5) only root is allowed to determine link status with ethtool and it is not installed in all distributions. Do you know a single line command to capture NIC speed of the primary interface of the server. To deactivate or shut down a network interface, type. Syntax is: # ethtool –s [device_name] speed [10/100/1000] duplex [half/full] autoneg [on/off] For example, to set the speed at 1000Mb/s, the duplex mode to ‘full’ and the auto-negotiation to Aug 23, 2019 · ethtool – set-fec eth<x> encoding auto|off|rs|baser. To determine link connection speed using ethtool command type: # ethtool eth0. pre-up /sbin/ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full. Settings for enp0s3: Supported ports: [ TP ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full . Display the Ethernet interface driver settings using ethtool command as shown here: # ethtool -i enp0s3. Use #/sbin/ifconfig -a . May 25, 2011 · Or, follow the blinking lights with ethtool. What 'ethtool' reports mostly depends on what the network device driver can provide. If you create a connection profile for an Ethernet device, open the Ethernet tab, and select in the Device field the network interface you want to add as a port to the team. How to Use the “ethtool” Command? List Ethernet Device Settings; Access the Driver Settings of Ethernet Device; List Network Interface Features; Network Statistics of a Particular Ethernet Device; Customize the Specific NIC Example 2: Access the Driver Settings of Ethernet Device. Control checksum offload and other hardware Ethernet interfaces are identified by the system using predictable network interface names. Mar 18, 2024 · For example, to check the type of a TUN or TAP interface, we can use the ethtool command with the -i option. The columns show the following details: Netid – Type of socket. Example 3: How to Check all Network Devices Status. 224. As you can see, I have only two network interfaces connected to my linux virtual machine. ethtool command. How much of the total speed you're using over a given amount of time. Here, the “–driver” argument is used with the “ethtool” to get the driver settings of the “ ens33 ”: $ ethtool --driver ens33. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, place all interface-specific bonding options after the BONDING_OPTS directive in ifcfg- name files. Stars. ethtool is powerful utility for query or control network driver and hardware settings for wired Ethernet devices. Nov 15, 2016 · To view the Network Interface Card details on Ubuntu Linux Systems, run ipconfig command: $ sudo ifconfig Or $ sudo /sbin/ifconfig. nmcli command examples in Linux (RHEL/CentOS) Example 1: How to check nmcli version. is there a way to find out the PCI bus number of an Ethernet interface or vice versa. State – State of the socket. For a full list of commands type ethtool -h or see the man page, ethtool(8), for a more comprehensive list and explanation. show interfaces [ typenumber] [ first] [ last] [ accounting] show interfaces [ typeslot Feb 23, 2024 · Showing dropped packets statistics per network interface on Linux using the ip. Under kernel 2. The nmcli (NetworkManager Command Line Interface) command-line utility is used for controlling NetworkManager and reporting network status. ip link Command. Oct 15, 2015 · 7. For example, dropped packets, retransmits, ect? This thread was automatically locked due to age. 5. The ioctls should return -1 if they fail, and a nonnegative value (zero, I believe) if success. Mar 29, 2021 · The syntax is as follows: # ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full # ethtool --change eth0 speed 10 duplex half # ethtool eth0 # ethtool eth0 | egrep -i 'speed|duplex' Here is what I see: Speed: 10Mb/s Duplex: Half Conclusion. ETHTOOL_A_EEE_MODES_OURS is used to either list link modes to advertise EEE for (if there is no mask) or specify changes to the list (if there is a mask). In the boot manager, follow these steps: Select the Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux <version> entry. /sbin/ethtool -K $1 tso on gso on. Syntax. Let us see how to use both commands list dropped packets per interface. ethtool is the standard Linux utility for controlling network drivers and hardware, particularly for wired Ethernet devices. For example, the following desktop has multiple network interfaces: jemurray@desktop:~$ ifconfig -a eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 78:e3:b5:06:91:18 Jan 28, 2021 · Path – System path to the socket. Note: If the network is slow, test the network speed. Shows a short help message. Using LLDP to debug network configuration problems. In this example display link stats for wg0: # ip -s link show wg0. See Where to specify bonding module parameters for more information. Substitute 192. Display the current settings for an interface: # ethtool eth0. 0. The resulting output varies, depending on the network for which an interface has been configured. To display IP addresses for all interfaces, type: # ip addr. Apr 3, 2023 · Ethtool Command To Show All Interfaces. If you want to see the full duplex speed, try this instead: iperf -d -c 192. rx-checksumming: on. feature-rx on ethtool. For example it is my network system output: Time stamping parameters for eth0: Capabilities: A GUI interface to the Linux `ethtool` command Resources. 3e8d. For example, the IP address for enp0s3 is 10. On Ubuntu systems, /var/log/kern. #7: esxcli system shutdown reboot -d 10 -r “Patch Updates”. Press Tab to edit the entry. List all the available device. Nov 27, 2023 · Ethtool is a standard Linux utility for controlling network drivers and hardware, particularly for wired Ethernet devices. For example, for eth0. We present here a short selection of often used ethtool commands together with some useful commands that are not well known. This document is a guide to Linux network interface statistics. cards. 2. -l, --log: Used with -w, records link status changes in the system log instead of printing on standard output. 10 you should see something like this with ethtool -m: Jan 9, 2024 · Ethtool is a standard Linux utility for controlling network drivers and hardware, particularly for wired Ethernet devices. Let’s use the iwlist command to display information about our wireless network interface: $ sudo iwlist wlp2s0 scan. Example 4: How to Show all Network Devices. Hi All, probably a pretty basic question, but I can't find it: in the XG interface, where do I go to see the stats for a particular network interface. There are three main sources of interface statistics in Linux: standard interface statistics based on struct rtnl_link_stats64; protocol-specific statistics; and. Note that this command loops a series of other APIs, so it can take awhile to get the results. indicated, then ethtool fetches the dump data and directs it to a file. #ethtool –version Display Network Interface card version #ip link show. Jul 27, 2021 · $ ethtool -S eth0 | grep rx_broadcast rx_broadcast: 48728 If you don't want to add new programs to your system or write C programs that use ioctl() you have to use another scripting language that is available on your system and has ioctl support built-in, for example ethtool -S in Python . See man ethtool (8) for details. ethtool provides detailed information about the interface: Procedure. Jul 13, 2023 · To activate a network interface, type. This means that, LLDP can report configuration inconsistencies with other hosts or routers and switches. To view the autonegotiate, RX and TX details of eth0, use the option ‘ -a ‘ with ethtool command. Aug 5, 2012 · how to persist ethtool settings across reboot. example output: or if you want see brief report only about connection speed and nothing else: # ethtool eth0 | grep Speed. The netlink interface allows reporting EEE status for all link modes but only first 32 can be set at the moment as that is what the ethtool_ops callback supports. On Linux, every network interface card (NIC) is assigned unique names such as eth0, ens32 etc. Feb 3, 2021 · Linux ss Command Examples. For example, ethtool -g ethX reads the size of the ring buffer on the NIC, and ethtool -G ethx rx A tx B changes it. #ethtool -p <interface_name>. On Gaia 3. I guess you could run the command below, it will depict every capability your software and hardware networking has, sudo ethtool -T <interface> interface information such as names are accessible via ifconfig. Note: Although ifconfig is a great tool, it is now obsolete (deprecated), its replacement is the ip command which is explained below. If you can’t remember which interface is on your system, you can use the following command ‘ip a s. 2: enp0s25: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000. You can use the ethtool command to read and change information about your network interfaces. 168. To do that, you need the network interface name of your network interface card (NIC). Not all options are currently supported on switch port Learn about our open source products, services, and company. For example, “ ifconfig eth0 netmask 255. Jun 3, 2014 · At least at my machine (Debian 7. It provides a convenient way to examine various parameters related to network interfaces, including Mar 18, 2024 · Another way of checking the speed of our NIC is to use the ethtool command. devname is the name of the network device on which ethtool should operate. driver-defined statistics available via ethtool. To get the general properties of a network interface device, we simply run ethtool followed by its name: $ sudo ethtool enp0s3. The first two examples are information queries and show the use of the different formats of the Jan 4, 2013 · A simple script to apply the same settings to all interfaces would be something like. Create an alias IP with the following command: sudo ifconfig [interface_name]:[alias_number] [alias_IP] Note that the alias IP must belong to the same netmask. But, the whole idea of using a bridge is to add more interfaces to the bridge. Configuring IP Networking with nmcli. When we use the show argument with the network device name, we get: $ ip link show enp0s25. 25. Sep 20, 2021 · Ethtool also provides an easy way to view or troubleshoot your network interface. The supported mode and the current setting can is displayed on. This post illustrates the main objective and working of the “ethtool” command with the help of practical examples. Consider permanently setting the offload feature until a fix is available. The ethtool command is used to query or control network driver and hardware settings. 1 watching Forks. Your virtual machine probably emulates a very primitive network adapter and not much data is available. Identify Ethernet interfaces. e. ethtool – show-fec eth<x>. Jan 18, 2022 · Usage. Use the show interfaces EXEC command to display statistics for all interfaces configured on the router or access server. $ sudo ifconfig up eth0. For more information about ethtool command, see the man pages. 1000baseT/Full . 3 stars Watchers. fi. 6-k firmware-version: 0. The above command will display the details of the Network Interface Card with the following details: eth0 – Ethernet network interface. The MII interfaces are polled at one second intervals. feature-tx off. Jun 19, 2017 · 5. 8. Search for the IP in ifconfig output to know on which interface it's configured. ernet devices. It can be utilized as a replacement for nm-applet or other graphical clients. If you do not see any packets captured, try using tshark -i <interface> with the listing of tshark -D from before. Router#show interfaces OR Router#show interfaces <interface> Example. $ sudo ifconfig down eth0. ethtool eth0. ethtool — set-priv-flags. This one little switch has saved my bacon countless times, especially when setting up firewall/router appliances. The reason for sudo access in this case is to allow ethtool to obtain wake-on-LAN settings and link status. Dec 8, 2020 · To install ethtool on Fedora, CentOS or RedHat: $ sudo yum install ethtool To display hardware settings of a network interface card with ethtool, run the following command. Get its IP using nslookup `uname -n`. Example 2: How to Check all Network Device Connections. Readme License. It is assumed that the NIC card is assigned the name eth0. Common types are TCP, UDP, u_str (Unix stream), and u_seq (Unix sequence). Description: Use this command to put ESXi in maintenance mode or take it out. Sets the dump flag for the device. Finding the interface name. # ip -s link show {interface} # ip -s link show eth0. To view Network Card Driver Details, use the option ‘ -i ‘ with ethtool command. Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16. ethtool. To list all interfaces use /sbin/ifconfig -a. h>. On the other hand, in a virtual machine the link speed or duplex mode is usually meaningless, as the network interface is most often just a virtual link to 6. Get product support and knowledge from the open source experts. ip link show (you have to grep for your interface and "state UP" or "state DOWN") May 1, 2015 · 4. The following two tabs change content below. More than likely, ethtool is already available on your Linux system. -h --help. Keep in mind this will attempt to apply settings to ALL interfaces, even the loopback. This command will make the corresponding LED of physical port to blink. ethtool is a useful utility to get the settings of the networking devices on a system. To View the statistics of your Network card, enter the following command. ethtool with a single argument specifying the device name prints current settings of the specified device. If in doubt, ifconfig on *nix and ipconfig /all on Windows will print all interfaces. Overview ¶. show interfaces. First, find the assigned names of all the available network interfaces of your computer, with the following command: $ Aug 28, 2017 · All the parameters used in the ESXI host example are mandatory. For RHEL/CentOS 8 and Fedora systems, use the dnf command to install ethtool. For example if your interface is eth0 you can query it using ethtool and then parse for the line, "Link detected". 10. See the ethtool command man page for more information: $ man ethtool This configuration method is used so that multiple bonding devices can have different configurations. Display the network usage statistics for an interface: # ethtool --statistics eth0. address. The “ -i or –driver ” flag of the ethtool command provides the driver settings of the “Network Interface Card (NIC)”/”Ethernet device”. If you have ethtool installed (in repos) you can use this command to get your link speed: $ sudo ethtool eth0 | grep -i speed Speed: 100Mb/s bandwidth (kernel) You want to see your bandwidth speed. Dec 1, 2020 · TL;DR Use ethtool to locate a physical network port by blinking the lights: sudo ethtool --identify eth0 Details On systems with multiple physical network adaptors, it is not always obvious which physical port belongs to the software interface. Mar 18, 2024 · This information isn’t displayed by the iwconfig command. If the problem still exists after disabling a specific offload feature: Reset the setting to its previous state by using the ethtool -K <interface> <feature> [on|off] command. We can use the ip command or netstat command or ethtool command to show dropped packets statistics per network interface on Linux. I am looking to write a Bash/Python script which gives some thing like. ZaneDonaldson over 7 years ago. 224 ” will set the network mask to a given interface eth0. When the device name is the only argument, ethtool prints the network device settings. Not all options are currently supported on switch port tshark -D will show you a list of interfaces tshark is aware of. 4. May 24, 2023 · The ethtool command is a powerful utility for configuring and querying Ethernet device settings. 1. sy db hj ch cp vz dd tz gw vs