Eyebrow piercing pain

Eyebrow piercing pain. Body piercing is relatively common in the United States, but there isn’t any available data on how many people have specific types of piercings. Lobe (including Orbital): “The earlobe piercing is the easiest piercing to get in terms of pain and healing I went to my piercing shop and the girl basically told me that wasn’t true and they wouldn’t use surgical steel if it wasn’t hypoallergenic. This piercing, which is also known as a butterfly or a teardrop piercing, usually sits directly below the location where eyebrow piercings go. can’t compare it to lip piercings but my helixes hurt more. It should be completely bearable and fast. The healing period of an eyebrow piercing typically spans from 6 to 8 weeks, though individual variations exist Oct 7, 2020 · In general, simple jewelry is the best choice. Jun 2, 2018 · If your piercing is severely infected, you’ll basically feel like you’re getting a cold, and, in some cases, you might even begin to run a fever. Move from right to left (or left to right) on either the front or back of the head. ) Try your best not to touch the eyebrow piercing except for cleaning (although a q-tip is fine. Eyebrows are one of the slowest-healing piercings, Indy says. Even light touch from brushing your teeth or putting on makeup may trigger a jolt of pain. 2. If the eyebrow area has some yellow or green pus, is swollen and red, it means you have an infection. 4. The procedure is relatively swift, but the area’s sensitivity may cause Sep 5, 2020 · For most folks, the eyebrow piercing is on the lower end of the pain scale compared to other piercings. If both sides are involved, allergy, thyroid disease, infection, seborrhea, rosacea, and sinus disorders are common causes. Initial jewelry is always a bit long to accommodate swelling. +1 800-694-1426. Squeeze out the excess liquid and hold the pad to the piercing site for 5-10 minutes, up to 3 times a day. Whether you want to make a bold fashion statement or indulge your wild side, this piercing is a surefire way Dec 9, 2021 · Eyebrow piercing pain. Jan 17, 2024 · Vertical Labret Piercing. You can experience pain and discomfort for six weeks to three months, even with no 19 hours ago · March 26, 2024. Probably. If you’re considering getting an eyebrow piercing, you probably have a lot of questions about the healing process. Keep in mind, however, that such a common piercing still isn't without some pain. The anti-eyebrow piercing has a rating of 5 on the pain scale. With piercing, people reached authentic and aesthetic look, which make [] Sep 29, 2022 · Alternatively, visit us in-salon or give our team a call. Permanent scarring occurs on the face as a result of it. Gently remove the needle from your eyebrow and then insert and fasten your chosen jewelry. Oct 9, 2023 · T-piercing. A proper Jan 30, 2024 · These include: Vertical or horizontal eyebrow piercing. Compared to other facial piercings, like the lip, which We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This can start as a gradual widening of the hole, or stretching of the skin around the piercing. Steep a bag of chamomile tea in freshly boiled water for 10 minutes, then soak a cotton pad or piece of gauze in the water. While the actual piercing may not be excruciatingly painful, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s pain tolerance is Jul 24, 2023 · 1. However, the time may extend to three to four months, or even between five to six months, depending on your body and lifestyle. Low Pain. 💡 Take Note: Remember to apply aftercare practices diligently since they play a considerable role in quick healing time. I have come with a detailed guide on wearing this style statement on the arch of your eyebrow. In 8 out of 10 instances, each stabbing pain lasts less than three seconds. Style and elegance are evident in this piercing. Jul 18, 2023 · 1. Instead, he recommends the ball of the jewelry rest right against the brow, to give it a more polished Feb 24, 2024 · Pull the skin out, away from the eye. Typically, it’s described as a sharp, quick pinch followed by a brief sensation of pressure. Eyelid piercing. Eyebrow plucking or threading: Removing hairs from your eyebrows can cause temporary discomfort. Sinusitis causes your sinus cavities to swell, making it difficult to breathe, and your Feb 15, 2024 · For anti-eyebrow piercing select a licensed parlor. Rejection is one concern, and it can be influenced by factors such as improper aftercare, pulling on the jewelry, or consistent pressure from sleeping on them. "this was only a two or three out of ten on the pain scale," so expect to barely feel the May 26, 2023 · Pain Level: 9/10. These other causes may be responsible for forehead pain, too: Infection. Sep 1, 2023 · Cost: $30-$80. Wearing the initial long jewelry for too long can cause all sorts of trouble. net/eyebrow-piercing/ Mar 29, 2023 · An eyebrow piercing is, essentially, a surface level piercing created with a needle. I've had my eyebrow pierced twice, and in my opinion it's a lot less painful than you'd expect. Jun 15, 2020 · Forehead pain is often a symptom of a common issue, like a cold or headache. You may feel a pinch or some pressure, but it shouldn't be unbearable. Jan 24, 2024 · According to Cheung, "If your piercing is placed too superficially, or is under too much pressure, or just heals poorly, your immune system will reject the material and the prolonged inflammation will push the piercing and result in migration. In the last 20 years, people have been piercing different parts of body to improve their style. I didn't find it to hurt much more than any other piercing. Does the anti-eyebrow piercing hurt? Yes, it does. If you're considering getting an anti-eyebrow piercing, you May 30, 2019 · Like any other piercing, there’s some discomfort and mild pain with a nose piercing. These combined form a shape that resembles the letter “T,. Generally, it is considered moderately to highly painful as far as facial piercings go. Similar to the anti-tragus and anti-helix piercings, the anti-eyebrow is so-called because it appears directly opposite the eyebrow along the cheekbone below the eye. As the name implies, eyebrow piercing stays on the arch of your eyebrow. Your eyebrow piercing might cause you more discomfort and swelling than other piercings. It can easily be damaged due to blunt force trauma to the eye or forehead, or a repetitive injury like wearing swimming goggles that are too tight. Wexler agrees that it’s easy to identify an infection by the above symptoms, adding that you might also experience some swelling, pain, tenderness of the area, burning, or itching. Eyebrow Piercing Cons. Well a few days ago I was having such a bad migraine and sinus pain I was strongly considering going to the er. Make sure you get it done at a legit tattoo/piercing parlor. Typically, for vertical eyebrow piercings, a 16-gauge curved barbell is the recommended option. Customer Service. Mar 28, 2023 · The septum piercing (a. Jan 18, 2016 · Eyebrow piercings are considered fairly low on the pain scale, most people agree that this piercing is one that feels more like pressure than pain with the actual process compared to a strong pinch. May 7, 2019 · Anti-Eyebrow Piercing: These are just opposite the eyebrow and done below the eye. May 18, 2023 · Anti-Eyebrow Piercing Location: The anti-eyebrow piercing is a piercing located on the surface of your face, just above your cheekbone. Eyebrow piercing: If you have recently had an eyebrow piercing, it may take some time for the area to heal completely. Lots of factors play Mar 14, 2024 · Pain is relative to the person, of course, but because eyebrow piercings puncture only a small amount of skin, they're considered one of the least painless piercings you could get. The anti-eyebrow piercing, also known as the butterfly piercing, is a surface piercing. An eyebrow piercing is a vertical surface piercing, wherein a twelve to eighteen gauge cannula needle is inserted through the bottom of the eyebrow and exits through the top of the eyebrow to permit insertion of jewellery. Eyeball piercing. If that happens to you, you should contact your local doctor at once. Eyebrow piercings are relatively low pain! As an eyebrow piercing punctures only a small amount of soft skin, the piercing is quite painless. JotPurpleIris. It will be at the same distance as from the eye as in case of standard eyebrow piercings. k. Placement: Located on the bottom lip. They are one of the most striking and eye-catching forms of body modification, as their strategic placement adds an edgy vibe to your look. Sep 13, 2023 · The pain experienced during an anti-eyebrow piercing varies from person to person, but it’s often described as moderate, typically around a 4 out of 10 on the pain scale. "Facial piercings are a little different than getting your ears pierced," says Thompson. Hey so, i got my eyebrow pierced at the start of july (i’d say July 2nd or maybe 1st) in spain while i was on vacation. Whether worn by women or men, it looks great. Pain when moving your neck. Clean the area which requires the perforation. Helix Piercings. The exact price will depend on the piercing studio you choose, but in general, you should expect to pay somewhere between $40 and $60. " 10 YEARS later I have brought back one of my favorite piercings I've ever hadmy eyebrow piercing. There are risks associated with jewelry because it can get trapped. About 10% of all piercings in the U. Eyebrow piercing causing pain after 6 months. use disposable paper towels to dry the piercing, always gently. There is less pain from this piercing than from other piercings. The pain level can vary from person to person, but it's generally described as a quick, sharp pain and discomfort during the healing process. You can experiment with different styles and placements Dec 28, 2023 · Does an anti-eyebrow piercing hurt? The experience of pain from an anti-eyebrow piercing can vary greatly from person to person, largely due to individual pain tolerance. Jan 3, 2024 · Pain-Free: Unlike real piercings, fake eyebrow piercing require no needles or discomfort. It is a surface piercing and requires a special method of piercing An eyebrow piercing is a simple procedure that involves a single needle and is considered to be one of the less painful piercings, so it falls lower on the pain scale than other types of piercings. While less common than other piercings on this list, the rook can look amazing if matched with the right jewelry. It should be APP certified. Jun 25, 2021 · Another side effect is that getting your eyebrow pierced can result in an infection. This can make it difficult to close and open your eyelid properly. There are occasions when bruising can migrate Jun 24, 2021 · Eyebrow piercing is the practice of puncturing or cutting the eyebrow area to create an opening where jewelry or ornaments can be worn. Seriously, it was like a solid 2 in pain, if that. Rook. The average price is $30 -$40, and is performed with a hollow piercing needle around 14 – 16 gauge, as noted by Byrdie . However, when a professional performs a nostril piercing, the pain is minimal. However, due to the placement of the piercing and the thickness of cartilage that the needle has to pass through, this one can be pretty painful. Oct 15, 2023 · Though the skin around the eye can be sensitive, eyebrow piercings score low on the pain scale; it will feel like a slight pinch or pressure in most cases. Pain level: “This piercing is normally rated around a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10,” says professional piercer, AJ St. You can achieve the look without any pain or healing time. To prevent rejection or infection, opt for implant grade titanium or gold jewelry, wash with May 2, 2015 · Clean the piercing regularly with a cotton ball soaked in warm saline water. It's essential to take proper care of the piercing to Oct 4, 2023 · Learn more on eyebrow piecing including the types of eye brow piecing such as anti eyebrow piercing, horizontal, vertical, spiral, etc, costs/prices, the process or procedure, jewelry, scars, pain, healing, as well as the necessary after care for brow piecing to avoid infections. Healing time: Eyebrow piercings tend to heal relatively quickly, often within 6 to 8 weeks. Happen without warning. Doig recommends giving this area eight to ten weeks to heal. The process can cause discomfort, and many people wonder whether it hurts. Horizontal eyebrow piercings will usually require the surface barbell type of piercing. However, it comes with risks of redness, irritation, bruising, rejection, and getting a black eye. Potential Cons of Eyebrow Piercing. Allergies or sinusitis: Inflammation and pressure in the sinuses can lead to eyebrow pain. i was in high school too, basically a bébé 🥹 so definitely don’t overthink it and go for it ~. Nov 10, 2021 · What is the healing time for lip piercings? Sit tight: Faris says the healing time for piercings is generally two to four months, but can occasionally take up to six months. This type of piercing is placed horizontally on the cheekbone, just below the eye, and can add a unique and stylish edge to your look. May 23, 2023 · What is do eyebrow piercings hurt Paragraph: Do eyebrow piercings hurt is a commonly asked question for anyone considering the procedure. are eyebrow piercings. Jun 22, 2020 · Sharp, shock-like or piercing pain in your upper neck and back of head. . [1] Those performing the piercing may use a pennington clamp to better guide the needle through the skin. 3. 6. Apr 19, 2022 · Eyebrow Piercings are Slow to Heal. They may stop for a while (weeks, months or years), or there may be no gap between headaches. Pricing: $30-$100. Healing time: 6-8 weeks. Expect to feel a quick pinch and a little pressure. It is gluten free. I found my lobe to be like nothing but my navel was pretty sore. Oct 11, 2023 · During eyebrow piercing, individuals may experience pain and a varying healing time. You can choose to stick to a traditional ring off to the side, or a pair of bars placed towards the center on your eyebrow. ) But mine is healed now, and look what I can do. Eyebrow Piercing Pros. But seriously, when it comes to body piercing, eyebrows are like the vanilla ice cream of the bunch - not too thrilling but not too painful either. According to professional piercer Matt Southwood, an eyebrow piercing can sometimes be done too shallow, which will make it look like the jewelry is hanging off the skin. In some cases, bruising can occur. Beauty. Apr 16, 2018 · H2Ocean’s Piercing Aftercare Spray is the only product you should use for your aftercare treatment of the eyebrow piercings. Eyebrow piercings, like any piercing, come with potential cons that need attention during the healing process. Unlike ear, nasal or lip piercings, there are less nerves on the eyebrow so the experience should be relatively comfortable. Peter. avoid sleeping on the eyebrow piercing. Pain behind your eyes. Pain and Swelling: Eyebrow piercings can be painful during the piercing process and may cause temporary swelling, tenderness, and discomfort afterward. They are usually constructed at the end of the eyebrow, closest to your ears. The right length of the barbell will depend on the thickness of your eyebrow – for most people, 5/16″ will suffice. The discomfort is relatively brief, lasting only during the piercing procedure, making it manageable for many individuals. Use medical iodine to sterilize the area. Reports of pain during extraocular implant procedures are mixed. Unlike the nostril, the septum is exposed to fewer bacteria and is known to be a quick healer. Pierced horizontally through the inner rim of cartilage above the anti-tragus, the snug piercing gets its name from the "hug" in the folds of your ears. Do not apply makeup, lotions, creams, or antibiotic ointments on the piercing. It’s very rare that you get an infection, but it can happen. Rinse the pierced area thoroughly using a mild soap while taking a shower. It is rated at 4-5 on a scale of 10. Jun 8, 2023 · Eyebrow piercings typically only take a few seconds, so any pain experienced is brief. Aug 22, 2023 · Generally speaking, [expect about] four to 12 months for healing,” says professional body art piercer, Sheena Rose. So long as you've done your research and are going to a Feb 17, 2020 · Anti-eyebrow piercing price. Anti-eyebrow piercing is a procedure of micro needling of the skin. Some of the advantages of the spray include the following; All the ingredients used to make the spray are natural. Eyebrow piercings: These also tend to heal within 3-4 months. Pain: An eyebrow piercing takes longer to heal than a traditional ear piercing. How bad does an eyebrow piercing hurt? Some people say that eyebrow piercing is not painful, and others say it is excruciating. Jewelry: Surface bars and curved barbells. By far, my eyebrow was the least painful and the least annoying. While pain tolerance varies from person to person, getting an eyebrow piercing generally involves a brief moment of sharp pain followed by some lingering Jul 29, 2022 · Kehlani put a stylish twist on their piercing by choosing a stud with a small jewel, giving the piece a certain lightness. This piercing is where it crosses over into medium pain level. Clamp the area of the skin and insert a hollow needle to perforate the skin. A sinus infection commonly causes headaches Sep 14, 2023 · We love eyebrow piercings. i got an eyebrow piercing like 7-8 years ago (holy shit 😭) and i don’t even remember the process it was so quick and painless. 6-8 weeks. We all have different pain thresholds for different kinds of pain, so it’s difficult to place the pain associated with an anti-eyebrow piercing on a universal scale. As the face tends to be a blood-rich area, it is prone to more swelling than places such as the ear lobe. Once the swelling has gone and the piercing stabilized a bit, generally at 4 weeks) the jewelry needs to be downsized to aid the healing process. However, it also depends on your pain tolerance. Pain on one or both sides of your head. The type of eyebrow piercing you get will also play a critical role in the healing period. Healing time: 4-6 months. ”. a. Something to consider if you decide a pierced brow is not for you. Piercings are a unique way to decorate your body and express your edginess. Move from front to back (or back to front) on the same side of the head. The level of pain and swelling varies for each individual, and over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses can help manage any discomfort. Mar 6, 2024 · Updated: 2024-03-06. S. Pain: A low pain level. Whatever the case, it has no permanent damage — the initial pain is gone after 2-3 days. [4] 6. I found it to be on the same level as my nostril piercings. Piercings are becoming more and more popular these days but many of you are looking for alternatives to real piercings. There are even some people who say that the pain is so intense. Now, let’s move on to the meat of the matter – the pain associated with this stylish venture. a piercing through the soft tissue in between your nostrils) is one of the fastest-healing and lowest-irritation piercing zones. Your helix cartilage is a bit thicker, and requires a bit more pressure, which is why this piercing may hurt a bit more. Mar 25, 2022 · The next piercing comprehensive guide in my series is here! This guide offers a general overview of important information pertaining to the eyebrow piercing. Jan 16, 2020 · Piercing My Eyebrow | Pain Level, Healing & Rejection! Piercing update time and FINALLY I have got my eyebrow pierced again after 5 years! I talk about eyebr Dec 3, 2022 · If the piercing is not done just right, you can suffer permanent nerve damage that can potentially cause paralysis. No one knows your body quite like you do! Sep 22, 2023 · Earlobe piercings: The earlobe piercings heal the fastest, taking 3-4 months to heal. The T eyebrow piercing is a mixture of a horizontal and vertical piercing. There is the choice for a vertical or horizontal piercing, as well as a range of space along the brow bone where your piercing can be placed. Dry, crusty patches should be cleaned regularly until fully healed—a process that can last anywhere from two to five weeks. Aug 26, 2021 · All eyebrow piercings take about three to four months to fully heal, but the ring can be switched out after around six weeks. As the holes are close together, you need to be extra cautious when caring for your piercings. While everyone tolerates pain differently, Kelly says the pain of getting an eyebrow piercing is generally on the low end of the scale. We also love the squared-off design. (On a side note, twisting ear lobe piercings is BAD BAD BAD. The pain level can vary depending on an individual's pain tolerance and the location of the piercing. Sep 19, 2023 · The pain experienced during an eyebrow piercing can vary from person to person based on their individual pain tolerance, anxiety levels, and the specific placement of the piercing. An eyebrow piercing typically causes less pain than other piercings. Oct 24, 2016 - 130+ Eyebrow Piercing Ideas, Procedure, Pain, Healing Time, Price cool Check more at http://fabulousdesign. Poke the needle through from one point to the other. Sep 14, 2021 · But that whole “doing it correctly” can take some careful precision. avoid shaving the eyebrow with the piercing. The piercing needle will be extremely sharp, and will puncture the skin very quickly. There are fewer nerve endings in the eyebrow area, compared to your nose or naval, so it shouldn't hurt too much. The helix is at the top of your ear, and to pierce it, the needle must cross through cartilage. Dec 28, 2023 · Trigeminal neuralgia (try-JEM-ih-nul nu-RAL-juh) is a condition that causes intense pain similar to an electric shock on one side of the face. Tender scalp. Cartilage piercings are also more prone to infection since cartilage has less blood supply to help fight germs. Anti-eyebrow piercing. The piercing parkour i went to had really good reviews and i made sure they were using titanium grade jewellery, and every bought some from Jun 30, 2023 · 3. This question was originally answered on Jun 1, 2023. Your Guide to Eyebrow Piercings, Straight From a Celebrity Piercer Interested in eyebrow piercings? Here's everything you need to know before you get one, including the cost, pain, and healing, according to celebrity piercers. Bridge piercing. No Commitment: If you’re unsure about committing to a permanent piercing, fake eyebrow piercing offer a risk-free way to test the waters. The main symptoms of a cluster headache include: a sharp, burning or piercing pain, usually on 1 side of the head, around the eye. Supraorbital pain is like other types of nerve pain in that it feels like a shooting, stabbing, or tingling sensation. They are generally safe if performed by a professional, but eyebrow piercings carry unique risks, such as eye infection and nerve damage. Facial nerve involvement: Unlike lip or nose piercings, eyebrow piercings do not involve any major facial nerves. 02of 09. Just for your idea, you can feel the placement of anti-eyebrow piercing by tracing your finger along the orbital bone below the eye. problem/question existing piercing. Use disposable paper towels to gently dry the piercing. So you have a good number of choices. Pain is of course relative to your own tolerance and threshold. Dec 12, 2023 · The good news is that dry patches and crusting around a piercing are completely normal. Avoid shaving or plucking the pierced eyebrow. Risks: Scars, rejections, infections. Aug 31, 2021 · The pain will only last until you watch your face glowing after wearing the beautiful eyebrow piercing jewelry. Third-eye piercing. A snug piercing is also referred to as an anti-helix piercing and is considered the most painful of cartilage piercings. Pain factor. It affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries signals from the face to the brain. Eyebrows are a bit of a bitch to heal, but the actual piercing part went very smoothly if that's what you're concerned about. Jan 23, 2018 · What is Anti-Eyebrow Piercing? Piercing the body is a common phenomenon since the human civilization has started. The different kinds include: Feb 29, 2024 · Pain levels can vary greatly for an anti-eyebrow piercing, depending on individual pain tolerance and sensitivity in that area of the face. You might be scared of the commitment and pain of a real piercing or maybe your workplace doesn’t allow visible piercings. But some cases may require a bit more attention. I have a ton more piercings, including my nipples, two helix piercings, an industrial, two nose rings, and my tongue. Push the needle out from the other point. Try a chamomile tea compress for its anti-inflammatory properties. Let us learn about the time it takes for an eyebrow piercing to heal in the following section. If your eyebrow piercing isn’t healing properly, it’s important to seek medical attention and follow proper aftercare practices. Oct 27, 2022 · Expert piercers share everything you need to know about trends, piercing process, and healing process behind eyebrow, tongue, lip, labret, surface, high nostril, regular nostril, and bridge piercings. Jan 15, 2023 · Is the anti-eyebrow piercing safe? The anti-eyebrow piercing is safe. This means that the piercer will use clamps to pinch the skin that you want to be pierced May 5, 2023 · Sinusitis. Mark the exact spot for piercing. Sep 11, 2023 · Answer: If one eyebrow is painful and swollen, it could be a local infection, sinus disease, or shingles. Whether you’re wondering if an eyebrow piercing will rinse the area carefully and gently with mild soap while taking a shower. Cluster headaches are severe headaches that can happen multiple times a day and continue for weeks or months. Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm EST. However, it’s normal for there to be some tenderness and soreness around the area for a few days after getting pierced. Anti-eyebrow piercing, also known as a cheek piercing, is a popular facial piercing that is gaining popularity among piercing enthusiasts. Dr. Oct 14, 2023 · The supraorbital nerve innervates the upper eyelid, forehead, and scalp. However, eyebrow piercings are considered to be relatively low on the pain scale compared to some other body piercings like gum piercing and tongue piercings. Eyebrow Piercing Healing Time. So I kept my eyebrow piercing in thinking maybe I was overthinking. The iconic eyebrow piercing is usually vertical at the outer edge with a curved barbell or a ring. Nose piercings: They take around 4-6 months to heal completely. This needle is inserted through the bottom of the brow and exits through the top to allow for jewellery – usually a bar to begin with. Especially because there are so many variations. It doesn't hurt as much as lip piercings. Eyebrow piercing involves creating a perforation in the eyebrow, typically along the ridge. do not apply any makeup, lotions, creams or antibiotic ointments to the piercing. It’s worth noting that you’ll likely be left with a scar. The spray is safe for use for all skin types. [3] 5. Sinusitis, or sinus infection, is another possible cause for pain under or near your eyebrow. Obviously its like getting a shot or something, it's gonna sting a little bit. Not walmart, or in the mall, or anything because those places are fat liars. A new method of dermal punch and taper method are also popular Signs of infection during the healing process include redness, swelling, pain, and discharge. They're even a positive sign that the site is healing normally. One trending piercing type is the anti eyebrow piercing, also known as a butterfly Feb 23, 2024 · Taking over-the-counter pain relievers can help relieve pain if it does not subside soon after piercing. Oct 7, 2023 · The average eyebrow piercing takes about two to three months to heal fully. You should see an ophthalmologist who can examine you and make a diagnosis. Jun 24, 2020 · Eyeball piercings aren't common practice and carry serious risks. Healing time: While healing times may vary, expect a period of 6 to 8 weeks. Sep 14, 2022 · Eyebrow Piercings Always Hurt: Sure, pain is subjective and some people handle it like a champ while others scream louder than a siren at the slightest prick. 1. Some may experience a sharp, intense pain during the actual piercing process, while others may only feel a slight discomfort. I got my eyebrow first pierced in August of 2013 and 6 y Aug 7, 2023 · An eyebrow piercing is a type of body piercing that involves inserting jewelry through a small hole in the eyebrow. This piercing will initially be done with a longer bar, as it is very common to have swelling in the eyebrow area, however, it can be replaced with Aug 10, 2023 · Pain scale: On a pain scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most painful, getting an eyebrow piercing typically ranges from a 4 to a 6. An ice pick headache may cause a single stabbing pain or a series of quick pains. However, the pain ends once the piercing is done—assuming your piercer is a pro. This blog is all about learning and exploring different things about eyebrow piercing. This is done by a professional using a sterilized needle, and the chosen jewelry is then inserted. I’ve been wanting to get centred eyebrow piercings for over a year now and I was wondering what the pain level was like? I know online it says that lobe, eyebrow, and navel piercings are some of the least painful. nm uw qd xl ck zh ze ah hg by