Websocket authentication best practices

Websocket authentication best practices. WebSocket provides a real-time data exchange channel between client and server, making it essential to implement proper security measures to protect sensitive data and maintain application integrity. VPC link integrations work in a similar way as HTTP integrations. If the server accepts the connection request, it responds with HTTP status code 101 (Switching Protocols). Use a reverse proxy: Use a reverse proxy to protect your app from malicious traffic and to improve performance. WebSocket APIs are often used in real-time applications such as chat applications, collaboration platforms, multiplayer games, and financial trading platforms. 事実上、これは認証を経た後のページから開いた WebSocket にはいかなる部分の認証も「自動的」に届かないことになるため、WebSocket 接続 も 保護する措置をとる必要があります。. Nov 28, 2023 · When using cookie authentication, the browser automatically sends cookies to the server with the WebSocket handshake. If you want to learn more about Spring Security and WebSockets, click the link below. Set the JWT to that output, or export the JWT to the environment with eval $ (python main. Line 5: I have a separate auth service which does the temporary ws token validation. Apr 9, 2017 · Creating our Application. Connecting: The connection is negotiating the handshake with the remote endpoint. Generate a new API key with a descriptive name. py (or whatever your file name is). At the moment I use Rocket for a REST API + Cookies that makes it extremely easy do authentication & session management. Dec 7, 2021 · Authentication/authorization. openssl. In this post, you’ve learned about the WebSocket protocol and how it can be easily used in ASP. After my application authenticates, Its create short lived (<5min)access token for web socket realtime provides methods to establish a WebSocket connection. Step 4 - Storing and using the JWT on the client side. Use Namespaces And Rooms Effectively; Manage Client State Properly; Secure Your WebSocket Connections Oct 29, 2023 · By applying these monitoring, troubleshooting, and security best practices, you can ensure reliable and secure WebSocket use in your no-code applications. Redux Toolkit Query provides the updateCachedData function that we can use to modify the cache. Consider handling authentication in a typical application. Check out my previous blog about Django Best Practices: Tips for Writing Better Code. Next, we will explore two important aspects: handling multiple channels and implementing authentication mechanisms. Nov 30, 2017 · Here, we refer NGINX as it supported WebSocket since version 1. 19 hours ago · Spring WebFlux WebSockets, the authentication data that was included in the HTTP request at the time the WebSocket connection was established is reused. WebSocket is especially great for services that require Nowadays, web applications often use REST APIs as their back-end and OAuth/JWT tokens for user authentication and authorization. Net Core and React In the console, run: python main. Jan 16, 2024 · Use SSL over WebSockets: Use SSL over WebSockets to encrypt data and protect it from unauthorized access. I have tried solution from here, but this one Dec 2, 2020 · In this tutorial, you’ll create a React application using a token-based authentication system. While it might be tempting to pass the WebSocket object down as a prop so you can attach event handlers or call send directly, that could become hairy compared to managing your Nov 26, 2019 · Sorted by: 3. Jul 31, 2020 · 8. python manage. js server-side applications. Security. Aug 24, 2023 · WebSocket servers can incorporate advanced features to enhance functionality, security, and scalability. This should use the URL scheme wss://, although some software may allow you to use the insecure ws:// for local connections Jul 1, 2023 · Last updated on Jul 1, 2023. How can i do that in javascript? Dec 20, 2023 · Some WebSocket best practices are: Remember WebSocket rate limits. Then, we can use the onCacheEntryAdded function to establish a WebSocket connection. You receive private messages, such as lifecycle Aug 3, 2023 · Exchange WebSocket Best Practices. on ('upgrade') event and perform authentication of your choice there. Dec 12, 2023 · Password-less authentication. It provides full support for signing tokens, hashing passwords, generating random auth tokens, and encrypting data. You can subscribe to both ws-feed (Coinbase Market Data) and ws-direct (Coinbase Direct Market Data), but if ws-direct is your primary connection, we recommend using ws-feed as a failover. WebSocket is a protocol that enables bidirectional communication between a client and a server over a single TCP connection. The session is valid until the expiry set in the webhook response. on('upgrade', ) event listener, but using this, we are only able to check currently sent data from client. How to build an Authentication HTTP Interceptor. How to use WebSockets with Node. Remember WebSocket rate limits. Step 5 - Sending The JWT back to the server on each request. To find out more about the other areas covered by the sample app see: Simple User Authentication in React; Build a Secure App with ASP. Yes, one option is to use cookies (and TLS to avoid cookie hijacking): Have the cookie set after "plain old HTML form based" login, transmit the cookie to WebSocket server, and use the cookie to authenticate the WebSocket. cd TokenAuth. HttpClient supports both HTTP/1. Make sure to deploy data model input validation of messages in both directions from the client to server, and from server to client. 3. Apr 23, 2010 · 1. These instructions have been Mar 21, 2022 · Click on Create Application. While WebSockets are a stateful protocol there is nothing enforcing that the thing terminating the WebSocket is the same thing that is processing the message. When working with AppMaster , you'll have a powerful platform and the necessary tools to efficiently integrate and manage WebSocket connections in your no-code backend, web, and mobile Mar 14, 2022 · At the beginning of a WebSocket connection, the client initiates a WebSocket handshake over HTTP. Step 2: Install Django and start your project. Phone number with OTP. The WebSocket protocol does not describe how servers should authenticate clients during HTTP handshake. You can find the complete source code for this tutorial on Github. Oct 20, 2023 · Routing WebSocket Requests. But I have no clue how to establish connection using Basic Access Authentication. A WebSocket library will take care of the low-level details of communicating over a WebSocket connection, such as handling the initial handshake, sending and receiving data, and Jul 5, 2022 · First, create a folder to hold the example code. Manipulate WebSocket connections. Once this is done, NGINX deals with this as a WebSocket connection. build_ws_jwt(api_key, api_secret) main() Was this helpful? To authenticate Advanced Trade WebSocket channels, you can use Coinbase Cloud API Trading keys or Dec 4, 2019 · For token-based authentication with STOMP and WebSockets the server must register a custom authentication interceptor. Cookie-based authentication is stateful. Jan 29, 2024 · Server-sent events (SSE) Why you should use WebSockets. The interceptor must have precedence over Spring Security filters, so it must What would be the best way to provide some checks before client application could successfully establish connection to Node server (for example, Electron application). This is an application-level heartbeat mechanism that allows you to detect whether a WebSocket connection is alive. NET Core SignalR area of the documentation, especially ASP. Here, if the session is still valid on Auth0, then new tokens are replied back on the callback service without asking the user to re-login. Access the "Auth" section. NET Core SignalR configuration, see the topics in the Overview of ASP. The RFC6455 spec that defines WebSockets definitely allows for passing back token-based authentication through the request header. Only the typical HTTP means of communication are accessible. The standard lets you continuously evaluate all of your AWS accounts and workloads to quickly identify areas of deviation from best practices. They are providing samples of java code where they do that. JSR 356, or the Java API for WebSocket, specifies an API that Java developers can use for integrating WebSockets within their applications, both on the server side, as well as on the Java client side. With SSL encryption, this theoretically isn't unsafe (since Feb 26, 2024 · The WebSocket protocol prevents a network connection from authenticating an end-user during the handshake process. Jan 3, 2022 · One possible approach is to call an endpoint returning all chat messages sent in the past. NGINX WebSocket Example. None 2. JSR 356. 2 cd quick-socket. Listen to the wsHttpServer. The websocket API should have access to that same cookie (assuming your websocket and HTTP APIs are hosted on the same site). This indicates that WebSockets will receive the Principal on the HttpServletRequest. Choose "API Key" as the authentication method. g. It is widely used for real-time The WebSocket protocol natively supports control frames known as Ping and Pong. Dec 7, 2021 · WebSocket プロトコルでは、承認や認証が処理されません。. The server can, optionally, keep track of active sessions. For subscriptions over WebSocket, authentication is performed once during the connection_init phase. Use Asyncio: Asynchronous programming with asyncio is a natural fit for WebSockets, as it allows for multiple connections to be handled simultaneously The WebSocket protocol, RFC 6455 "doesn’t prescribe any particular way that servers can authenticate clients during the WebSocket handshake. The bearer token is set like ("Authorization", "Bearer e2238f3a-e43c-3f54-a05a-dd2e4bd4631f") . To achieve real-time messaging, earlier we used long-polling and server-sent events. When documenting WebSocket connections, it is essential to follow these best practices: Jan 24, 2024 · 3. API Gateway provides a number of security features to consider as you develop and implement your own security policies. In this guide, we will discuss some best practices for using WebSockets effectively. duplicate of Websockets token authentication using middleware and express in node. これは、WebSocket が Nov 26, 2017 · From my research, it seems, as websockets do not support custom headers, there's basically only two ways to authenticate a websocket connection during token based authentication. js . However, the Javascript WebSocket interface simply doesn't allow it, forcing devs to use URL params to send authentication details through to the server. It integrates with Spring Security core and Spring Framework WebSocket support, allowing you to configure WebSocket security using familiar annotations and XML elements. Finding WebSockets security vulnerabilities generally involves manipulating them in ways that the application doesn't expect. py startapp token_auth_app. Authentication is handled by the MQTT broker that's using web sockets and is totally independent of whether you're running over websockets, TCP, SSL/TLS over TCP or some other layer, so Mosquitto definitely does authentication (and authorization) over wss. Messages may be put onto a queue or passed off to a load balanced set of handlers. I wrote this article to create a kind of checklist Dec 6, 2019 · Dec 6, 2019 at 22:33. Introduction In the project I'm currently working on, I have a React. The following security best practices will help ensure the safety of your WebSocket-enabled applications: Nov 3, 2023 · Select the WebSocket Protocol feature. Sep 24, 2023 · Best Practices in a Nutshell. This should create a new, fully functioning Angular 2 application in which we shall implement our websocket based services. 0 version of this article. NET Core 8. Here, a basic authentication method includes email and password as credentials. Spring Security WebSocket Security is a module that provides authentication and authorization support for WebSocket applications. If this step isn't performed, the IIS WebSocket module attempts to handle the API Gateway supports multiple mechanisms for controlling and managing access to your WebSocket API. Dec 28, 2023 · Best Practices For Flask And WebSockets. Copy the generated API key securely. Handling multiple channels. jwt_token = jwt_generator. Because these best practices might not be appropriate or sufficient for Jan 8, 2024 · In this tutorial, we’ll explore the Java API for WebSockets by creating a chat-like application. js, disable the default IIS WebSocket module using the webSocket element in web. Double click the localhost certificate in your Certificates list. Private APIs and private integration offer an extra layer of security from a network standpoint, because communications are limited within a private network. 3 pip install python-socketio. Security best practices in Amazon API Gateway. Nov 15, 2022 · By following these best practices, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your applications are performant, scalable, and secure. Mar 14, 2024 · For the current release, see the ASP. One way is to allow anyone to open a websocket connection. You can use Burp Suite to: Intercept and modify WebSocket messages. You can use IAM roles and policies for controlling who can create and manage your APIs, as Sep 1, 2022 · SignalR Best Practices. The Principal on the HttpServletRequest is automatically overridden if we are using Spring Security. res. Java offers several advantages for WebSocket development: Scalability: Java’s threading model and its ability to handle a large number of Introduction. The WebSocket protocol was designed for creating web applications that need bidirectional communication between clients running in browsers and servers. As its name suggests, it enables WebSocket message handling, backed by a message broker: Oct 29, 2017 · Under the hood SockJS tries to use native WebSockets first. Provide a friendly name for your application (for example, Quiz Blazor Server App) and choose Regular Web Applications as an application type. Oct 24, 2023 · WebSocket Security Best Practices. Best Practices for Using WebSockets in Python When working with WebSockets in Python, there are several best practices to keep in mind to ensure that your code is scalable, efficient, and secure. When making API requests, include the API key in the request header: Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY. Step 6 - Validating User Requests. This means that a record or session is kept both server (optional) and client-side. Use HTTPS to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. Ipinca from websocket/ws library suggested to use server. Create a Realtime Client with Authentication To authenticate the client using a static token and receive realtime updates about changes in your data, add the following code at the bottom of your <script> to create a client: The AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard is a set of controls that detect when your AWS accounts and resources deviate from security best practices. The data can be passed in both directions as “packets”, without breaking the connection and the need of additional HTTP-requests. service. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply. To authenticate a websockets client with HTTP Basic Authentication ( RFC 7617 ), include the credentials in the URI: async with websockets . If the client doesn't send a valid token within some time, close the connection. Now I'd like to replace the API with WebSockets but it's not clear to me how to do this today in rust. FortiWeb Cloud now secures WebSocket traffic with a variety of security controls such as allowed formats, frame and message size and signature detection. It enables real-time data transfer between clients and servers, making it ideal for applications that require frequent updates. This example uses ws, a WebSocket implementation built on Node. The integrations are based on VPC links, and rely on a VPC endpoint service that is tied to network load balancers (NLBs) for REST and WebSocket APIs. com" , ) as websocket : Nov 30, 2023 · WebSocket connection: Sending the credentials over the WebSocket connection is worth considering, however, you usually end up implementing your own authentication protocol that is finicky to maintain, potentially vulnerable to DOS attacks, and doesn’t play well with anything else. That is true, Websockets (so do stomp) rely on a first HTTP negotiation call, and spring expects that the authentication will take place here. connect ( f "wss:// { username } : { password } @example. These steps make Auth0 aware of your Blazor application and will allow you to control access. User information is retrieved from the input the user has supplied from ideally a DBMS. 2. Aug 17, 2020 · The case for Authentication In Each Message is when the order of processing cannot be guaranteed. The benefits of authenticating are: Messages (in which you are of the parties) are expanded and have more useful fields. WebSocket servers often need to handle communication across multiple channels or rooms. Learn how to secure your WebSocket endpoints, messages, and clients with Spring Security Apr 29, 2019 · The HTTP Client can be used to request HTTP resources over the network. You’ll create a mock API that will return a user token, build a login page that will fetch the token, and check for authentication without rerouting a user. Mar 24, 2020 · chat. Nov 5, 2019 · Follow the following instructions to trust the certificate with Keychain Access: Double click localhost. Feb 1, 2020 · I have a web server written in node/express which uses passport to authenticate users with JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Building a custom Express middleware for JWT validation. Secure your webhook endpoint. 5. It uses the immer library under the hood. " In practice, however, browser clients can use only standard authentication headers (that is, basic HTTP authentication) or cookies and cannot (for example) provide custom headers. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your app is secure when using either HTTP or WebSockets. Using the Angular CLI, create a new application by typing the following into the command line: ng new websocket_tutorial. The openssl crate is Rust binding for the OpenSSL library. 3 and can be used as a reverse proxy and do load balancing of WebSocket applications. send( whatever ); return passport. Feb 6, 2024 · As a best practice, subscribe to the WebSocket events from the top-level component, update top-level state in response to new events, and pass the state down as a prop. Step 4: Start an app named token_auth_app by moving to the project folder. If using the WebSocket support in socket. Replay and generate new WebSocket messages. Select OK. Private integrations allow routing traffic from API Gateway to customers’ VPCs. Mar 11, 2020 · 2. We can achieve real-time messaging in . After that, install the python-socketio package using pip: 1 mkdir quick-socket. Authentication. js and React. Best Practices. js frontend and a WebSocket server that need to be connected. The way NGINX work, it helps WebSocket by allowing a tunnel to be set up between a client and a backend server. It delivers information in real time, without the need to The attack is possible whenever the application uses a secret in a timing-sensitive operation (e. I spent weeks trying to figure out the best way to use websockets, and I wanted the share the things I learned here. Use a WebSocket library. Sorted by: 8. Usually, the server-side sends a Ping frame and, on receipt, the client-side sends a Pong frame back to the server. Email address with OTP. Best Practices for Documenting WebSocket Connections. Finally, click the Create button. The URL to which to connect; this should be the URL to which the WebSocket server will respond. , branch). Unlike REST and HTTP APIs, WebSocket APIs allow bidirectional communications. Cookies, the HTTP protocol, and TLS authorization are all included in it. Net Core using SignalR. io on Node. The following best practices are general guidelines and don’t represent a complete security solution. Let’s say, for simplicity, that our travel app requires a (free) account. Creating a handshake at the server level with Node. NET Core by hooking up the SignalR Framework. These guidelines are crucial for building high-quality real-time web applications. In most practical use cases, WebSocket servers need to authenticate clients in order to route communications appropriately and securely. Many authentication libraries use OpenSSL for signing and hashing data. You can do this using Burp Suite. The WebSocket protocol doesn’t handle authorization or authentication. It provides actionable and prescriptive WebSocket Security WebSocket Protocol is a TCP-based network protocol, which enables full-duplex communication between a web browser and a server. It uses WebSocket protocols for real-time messaging to make communication bidirectional from client to server. Checking User Expiration. Nest (NestJS) is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node. js. Dec 7, 2023 · Advantages of Using Java for WebSocket Applications. Source Code. django-adminb startproject TokenAuth. Sep 9, 2023 · WebSockets represent a significant leap in the evolution of web technologies, allowing for real-time communication between a client and server. Let us understand this handshake process step by step: The client initiates the WebSocket handshake by sending a request to the server. Requests sent to servers that do not yet support HTTP/2 will automatically be downgraded to HTTP/1. However, malicious users can potentially gain access to private networks, so it’s a best practice to implement an authorizer for APIs. Apr 21, 2020 · Authentication on the other hand is a lot trickier. ts. NET and React. To ensure that it’s working type: Note: This feature is available in Web Workers. Best practice for WebSocket Authentication. Practically, this means that a WebSocket opened from a page behind auth doesn’t “automatically” receive any sort of auth; you need to take steps to also secure the WebSocket connection. REST and WebSocket offer the same set of 💡 TIP. Agenda 1: WebSocket establishes a handshake between server and client. webSocket = new WebSocket(url, protocols); url. Websockets is simply a transport layer. Step 3: Create a project named TokenAuth. Use Secure Consistently deploy and enforce authentication best-practices for WebSockets. 1) Passing the token in the query string 2) Storing the token in a cookie which then gets passed to the server when WithCredentials is set to true Mar 15, 2024 · The WebSocket API (WebSockets) The WebSocket API is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open a two-way interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server. Apr 20, 2023 · Perform a redirect (302 HTTP status code) to the Auth0 / authorize endpoint. Here is a complete example of doing Mozilla Persona based authentication with WebSocket. You can authenticate yourself when subscribing to the WebSocket Feed. The WebSocket object provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection. 1 and HTTP/2. py file inside quick-socket. In order to do this, we need to add a configuration to our application and annotate this class with @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker. You will also see how to use different authentication mechanisms, such as basic authentication and OAuth2, for WebSockets communication. NGINX acts as a reverse proxy for a simple WebSocket application utilizing ws and Node. This Java API provides both server Oct 19, 2016 · 2 Answers. At this time the cookie is sent so I can still check if the user has valid token; But I cannot send cookie when sending websocket messages through the ws connection. js Express: JWT Authentication & Authorization example. Maybe you can just have the websocket "piggy back" on the existing auth that you already have working. First, we enable the WebSocket capabilities. In this article, we will use the ”ws” module to illustrate some points but the principles remain the same regardless of the library used. Apollo Router can now provide authentication and authorization for your entire supergraph. Next, we need to define a URL route for our WebSocket consumer. You can use the following mechanisms for authentication and authorization: Standard AWS IAM roles and policies offer flexible and robust access controls. Cookie-based authentication has been the default, battle-tested method for handling user authentication for a long time. , Authorization) are used for this purpose. py). RFC 6455 stays elusive when it comes Aug 14, 2023 · Coinbase recommends that you authenticate all WebSocket channels, but only those listed above are enforced. Private integration. Open: Initial state after the HTTP handshake has been Jan 17, 2024 · Cookies vs Local Storage. Just beware of Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking (more on that in the section below). HTTP Authentication is the best solution in this scenario. //get stuff. Yep WebSockets reuse the same authentication information that is found in the HTTP request when the WebSocket connection was made. Always encode the output of messages when embedded in the web application. In this blog post, you will learn the best practices and when to use JWT authentication, as well as the common pitfalls and limitations of JWTs. To construct a WebSocket, use the WebSocket () constructor. With Certificates, double click the localhost certificate file, and switch the Trust settings to Always Trust. In password-less authentication, we free the user from the burden of remembering the passwords; rather, we make use of the software or application that only the user can access, and we pass a one-time password or magic link to it, using which the user can login. There are two ways. When the HTTP connection is accepted. 1 for backward compatibility. Apr 12, 2023 · It sounds like nestjs-auth0 uses an encrypted session cookie to store the JWT. jsonwebtoken uses OpenSSL for signing tokens. For example, do not subscribe to BTC-USD and ETH-USD on the same channel if possible. Cache authentication results if possible to reduce latency. During initial authentication, request for a refresh token. You will also find a comparison with other authentication methods and a link to a guide for implementing JWT authentication in Go. – Jan 3, 2024 · Fullstack: – Angular 17 + Spring Boot: JWT Authentication & Authorization example – Angular 17 + Node. This is where you’ll put your socket server code. Then, create a new app. Alright, diving into the world of MQTT over WebSockets, there are a few things you’d want to keep in mind. Private Integration. Dec 4, 2017 · My API Manager tool mandates that i should pass the Authorization Bearer access token with the websocket invocation call. Here is a live example to show NGINX working as a WebSocket proxy. This real-time functionality has become essential Jan 11, 2024 · API Keys: Navigate to the API settings in Apidog. Mar 11, 2024 · The WebSocket constructor accepts one required and one optional parameter: js. 1. Oct 14, 2022 · The WebSocket protocol, described in the specification RFC 6455, provides a way to exchange data between browser and server via a persistent connection. WebSocket APIs offer APIs that the client can access through the WebSocket protocol. crt to open it in Keychain Access. First and foremost, if you’re hopping onto public or Jul 29, 2021 · In this post I introduce useful custom React. EventTarget WebSocket. NET Core SignalR configuration. If you wish you can also append a header on the upgrade eventbefore it reaches your route. Instead, open up two separate WebSocket connections to help load balance those inbound messages across separate connections. It uses progressive JavaScript, is built with and fully supports TypeScript (yet still enables developers to code in pure JavaScript) and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FP (Functional Programming), and FRP (Functional Reactive Programming). js hooks that take websocket clients to the next level. Jan 8, 2024 · In this tutorial, you will learn how to add security to WebSockets in a Spring MVC application using Spring Security. However, HTTP and WS can communicate smoothly in this scenario. Follow the example there. Nov 21, 2019 · Learn More about Websockets, . #. authenticate('local-jwt', { session: false }); The authentication itself is handled by the 'local-jwt' configuration in passport using a JWTStrategy object and it works as expected. A common use case is to invoke Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2 Jan 13, 2024 · Finally, WebSockets are cross-platform, meaning that they can be used on a wide range of devices and platforms, including web browsers, mobile devices, and desktop applications. Dec 5, 2023 · JWT authentication is a popular and secure way to handle user authentication and authorization in web applications. Spread subscriptions (especially full channel subscriptions) over more than one websocket WebSocket is a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. For general guidance on ASP. This article explains how to configure and manage SignalR connections in Blazor apps. Disable WebSocket when using socket. config. Creating a handshake request at the client level. More Practice: Logout when Token is expired in Angular 17 Jun 30, 2023 · Here are the possible values of WebSocketState 1. config or applicationHost. The integrations are based on VPC links, and rely on a VPC endpoint service that is tied to NLBs for REST and WebSocket APIs. Enable WebSocket in Spring. Have the client send an authorization token as the first message after the connection is opened. . The tungstenite crate seems to be a good basis to build it on. If that fails it can use a variety of browser-specific transport protocols and presents them through WebSocket-like abstractions. Spread subscriptions over more than one WebSocket client connection. Adhering to best practices in Flask and WebSocket development ensures efficient, secure, and maintainable applications. While it may make sense to re-apply auth checks at a subgraph level or in a monolith graph, the Apollo Router has built and provided standard JWT checks that can be setup with a simple YAML configuration and enforce this in a central location for all subgraphs: Mar 28, 2023 · But websocket does not seems to work nicely with cookies: When the client log in using http, server returns a JWT token in a cookie; The client can then open a websocket connection. By default, the client will send requests using HTTP/2. Basically, I would then recommend the following basic scheme for Dec 26, 2022 · Step 1: Create a virtual environment and activate it. In practice, standard HTTP headers (e. dt gs zr kz ht kz hu vy bf vw